Canadian Citizenship
Canadian Citizenship is considered as one of the most coveted citizenships in the world; and it can be obtained through legally recognized permanent residence or specific family ties.
Citizenship through Permanent Residency
The resident who has lawfully maintained permanent residency statuscan apply for Canadian Citizenship and can also procure Canadian passport. The applicant should be prepared to take the pledge of citizenship, before receiving the certificate of Canadian Citizenship.
New requirements for Canadian citizenship took effect June 11, 2015
The new requirements apply to a permanent resident, 18 years of age or older, who wish to apply for citizenship.
To qualify an applicant must:
• have, since becoming a permanent resident, been physically present in Canada for at least 1460 days in the six (6) years immediately before you apply,
• have, since becoming a permanent resident, been physically present in Canada for at least 183 days during any four (4) calendar years that are fully or partially within the six (6) years immediately before you apply,
• must have met his personal income tax filing obligations in four taxation years that are fully or partially within the six years immediately before the date of application,
• intend to reside in Canada, to work outside Canada as a crown servant or live abroad with certain family members who are Crown servants
• be able to communicate (speak and understand) in English or French (if you are 65 years of age or older, this does not apply), and
• be able to demonstrate, in English or French, knowledge about Canada and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship (if you are 65 years of age or older, this does not apply).
Please fill the Free Assessment Form to see if you qualify for Canadian Citizenship.